Field camp 2021 is a geophysical field project which is specially planned and executed by senior students of Geophysics Sub Department Universitas Gadjah Mada. This event is organized by Society of Exploration Geophysicist (SEG). Field camp 2021 integrates geophysical methods in a thematic project related to mineral prospecting in an area.
In Field Camp 2021, the participants will work in a team to manage their project; from preparation session which includes fund raising, HSE assessment, and survey design; the execution of the project itself which includes data acquisition, processing, and interpretation; and finally the reporting which includes final presentations and result publication.
This event was held in a blended manner (online and offline) according to health protocols and given the uncertain conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2021. The benefits of the project will not be limited to the students and institution, but also widely benefits the communities, economic actors, and policy makers.
Incorporating Near-Surface Geophysical Studies for Urban Development in The Special Region of Yogyakarta
The participants are final year students of the Geophysics Study Program Universitas Gadjah Mada. The expected participants are up to 50 people.
Gadjah Mada University is located in Depok Subdistrict, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, which borders the Merapi Volcano in the north and an active subduction zone in the south. This causes Yogyakarta and its surroundings to experience a lot of seismic activity in the form of earthquakes. The damage is not only affected by the magnitude of the earthquake, but also by the geological conditions of an area. Areas prone to earthquake damage occur in areas of thick soft sediment that are above the hard bedrock. The more unstable (soft) the rocks make up an area, the greater the effect of an earthquake that will occur in that area. This is because the unstable areas have rock properties which are generally not yet compact, so they are easily broken down and if an earthquake occurs, the damage caused by the earthquake will be even greater.
The location of the 2021 Field Camp research will be carried out in the Gadjah Mada University area where the acquisition point has been determined. This area is located above a basin consisting of volcanic material deposits of Merapi with a composition composed of alluvial, tuff, and agglomerate breccias. Geomorphologically it is at the foot of Merapi Volcano and geologically it is in the Young Merapi Volcano Formation. The lithology formed is the sand unit and sandy clay unit. And the determination of the location of the acquisition point based on the target to be sought, including the shallow groundwater protection zone with the potential for contamination and the vulnerability of a building for pre and post- construction activities in the study area.