
Pre Events

In the Field Camp UGM 2021, there will be 5 pre-event agendas

Geophysical Method
Study Club

Learning geophysical methods through the study club aims to improve the understanding of Field Camp 2021 participants in terms of the fundamental concept of method, applications, data acquisition, processing, and interpretation. The Geophysical Method Study Club will be held every week, in range of twice to four times from January to February 2021.


Geotechnics comprehension of both pre-construction and post- construction are needed by Field Camp 2021 participants. Information on geotechnics becomes fundamental for participants' point of views in determining the hypothesis of planning the research survey design. This Geotechnical Seminar will be explained by a professional in the geotechnical field that will be held in January 2021.


During the Field Camp activities, we are committed to always minimizing the accidents and injuries during the work project. Before the field session, a seminar on Health, Safety, Environment (HSE) is needed to give a better understanding for participants to maintain personal safety and the tools used during Field Camp. The HSE Seminar will be held in February 2021.

Urban Planning

Fundamental knowledge of geophysical data acquisition planning methods in urban environments is needed to obtain optimal measurement data under the research objectives. To provide urban planning geotechnical knowledge, a Geotechnical Urban Planning Seminar will be held in January 2021.


Hydrogeology information is fundamental for Field Camp 2021 participants to determine the hypothesis of the study and research survey design. Furthermore, a Geological Seminar that aims to discuss aquifers and other geological information in the research area will be held in February 2021.

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